Beenish Usman and Arona Shabbir There is a trend in Multan, that committee parties for women are usually arranged at lunch time, or hi-teas in the evenings. But, because Arona Shabbir is a lady with a career, she preferred to host a dinner instead, on a weekend night (Friday 30th November). Which turned out to be really convenient for the members, who have jobs in the mornings or school going children. This was the last party, in the committee, run by Farah Saqib . Venue was Shangrilla Chinese, the most well reputed place for Chinese food here. Menu; of course, could not be other than scrumptious Chinese cuisine. Arona had a special separate hall arranged for her fellow members of the committee, so they enjoyed a relaxed environment of a private party. Arona shared the privilege of hosting the event with her niece Beenish Usman who happens to be a competent banker. This is not the first party by Arona Shabbir to appear on this blo...
THE SOCIAL DIARY OF MULTAN, PAKISTAN. Click on the pictures to get a bigger view.