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1st female blogger of south Punjab, Fariha Munir Shah.

Here is a little post to inform all the readers of this blog, that its author/writer, Fariha Munir Shah, (my humble self) has been accredited the ''1st female blogger'', of South Punjab, recognized & acknowledged by SPWCCI, (South Punjab, women's chamber of commerce & industry). 

My sincere thanks to Mr.Hammad Siddiqui, who is my mentor and instructor in improving this blog. Also to Masooma Sibtain Shoaib, president SPWCCI, who actually suggested this idea & directed me to it. Because she knew, there is no other female blogger in this region, so this credit goes to her. She not just carved me into one, but officially certified that I am, 'the first female blogger' of South Punjab.

Thanks, to all those who have read, admired, even criticized my work. It has only been a month, with blessings of Almighty Allah, FarihaMunirShahTimes, is already making news.

 Mark my words again, my purpose here, is to show, the positive side of  Multan. To present to the world, what a beautiful life, we have here. It is the heart of Pakistan, a city full of peace & serenity. Full of warmth, sunlight, love & laughter. Thriving, bursting with joys of life. More colourful & bright than half of the world.

Being the daughter of an army officer, that I am. My entire childhood was spent living a nomad's life, travelling from place to place, though a wonderful experience, but it strengthened in me the desire to be called a 'NATIVE' of some place, this city, gave me this opportunity. Moved here with my parents in 1988, as a college student and then, never had a desire to move out of it. I love its warmth, its sunlight, even its dust. If I have loved this city, it has loved me back too, it is indeed a well requited love story.

 So, this blog is just a small effort from my side to express my love for a place, that I can proudly acclaim myself to be a native of. Alhamdolilah! And now when I have been dubbed, 'first female blogger of South Punjab', this honour motivates me to do something even better.

The symbol of Multan.

The building of MGM, Multan Garrisson Mess, services club.

old city building.

The date palm trees touching the skies

The blue pottery.
The beautiful clay work.


Anonymous said…
well done fariha. allah apko mazeed kaam krne ki istetaat dy. ameen
Thank god Fariha someone has started to promote and own our heritage , to be honest i was wondering why are we only promoting fashion shows theme parties and weddings .... its high time we start working on our heritage and culture and to celebrate what has been transfered to this land . i always wondered why cant people see the beauty and the purity of this city but i guess like hazrat shah shams said that this city will start revealing itself in a thousand years time, after his death , so i guess the time has come and am glad that you are doing this ... may Allah bless you .
Unknown said…
Mabrook. Let me introduce you to my daughter, only 11. She is the youngest blogger in Pakistan. Check
FarihaMunirShah said…
Thanks a lot Mr. Hammad Siddiqui & I saw Bushra's blog. Masha Allah! its great. It shows, u're not just a good teacher but a motivating, encouraging, excellent father as well. may Allah bless u & ur family, always.
FarihaMunirShah said…
Craft Galleria. Thanks a lot, for ur kind words & prayers. But allow me to say, these social activities, show Multan is a living legend. Culture & traditions, go hand in hand with modern living. This is life. I've plenty of plans & will gradually implement everything. Thanks a lot again for ur encouragement & appreciation.
Masooma Sibtain said…
Thank u Fareeha for your kind words and for showcasing and promoting the image of Multan in such beautiful manner, doing it justice which was required as our city, even though being the city of saints lacks media promotion.
And I hope SPWCCI will prove a good resource for your blog..
@ Craft Galleria; I hope together as one we can all bring a positive change in this area.
@Sir Hammad Siddiqui; thank u very much for guiding and helping my dear friend
Anonymous said…
Excellent work. The world knows about traditions of this land. Everybody can google such information. But you are working for alive Multan instead of dead. Human beings have more value than artefacts. They should be given more attention. Congratulations for becoming first blogger woman of S.Punjab.
Watch Your Thought said…
It's very nice to see south Punjab women active participation In this new kind of social networking and society. To liberalize at a root level we have make a Liberal mother Which you inherited as female part of Baluch Blood. Female part of a existing society has proved her self more honest and brave. It's a blessing when you speak for your right. Our prays are with you to tell people then women of east and south Punjab still exist and is more liberal then any so you also mention the people of your parental Tribe and their problems. Wish you Best of Luck
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