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Ladies club, summer closure ceremony.

Summers, have finally settled in Multan. Sun is getting bigger & brighter everyday, releasing warmth in the air. The atmosphere is now filled with the sounds of fans & ACs. Children preparing for their final examinations & their parents, for taking them out on vacations. The natives of this city, have a tradition, when summers arrive, they try to beat the heat, by heading to some hill stations. Some of them prefer going over seas. In short, the warmth & sunlight, the half of the world can kill for, Multani'ites try to escape during summer vacations. Social life, almost comes to a halt. People, either like to stay at home, or as mentioned earlier, move out to cooler places.

So, it has been a tradition to end all the activities of ladies club, during summer vacations. May, the 8th, 2012, a mega event of a beautiful musical evening, with the most loved voices of the city , Ms. Najma & her sister Shabana. Alongwith a splendid exhibition of photography by Hurraima Durrani, served as a formal closure of the ladies club, for the summer vacations. 

The group which hosted the event was lead by, Mrs. Uzma Burana, with other prestigious names like, Mrs. Iffat Azwar, Mrs. Yasmin Durrani, Mrs. Azra Akbar, Mrs. Nuzhat Ejaz, etc, to support as members.

Ms. Najma Gillani's beautiful presence & mesmerising voice, captured the hearts of the audience. Some of them were so touched, could not resist taking few steps to dance. Najma's sister, also possesses a captivating voice & enticed her friends by singing amazing 'ghazals'.

 Hurraima's photography, truly depicted 'the revival of vintage photography' & provided perfect setting to enhance the beauty of the event. Her passion for her work reflected from her voice, when she was called on the stage. Hurraima was also bestowed upon, the honour of being, 'the official photographer of ladies club'.

A fashion show was also organized by the hostesses. The guests participated & three of them were awarded prizes for being most well dressed & stylish. Anum Mujeeb Khan, received 1st prize, Ayesha Durrani 2nd & Alina Fayyaz stood 3rd. 

At the end Dr. Naseem Durrani, the legendary, pioneer member & finance secretary of the club gave away the prizes. And dinner was served.

The passionate photographer.

Uzma & Hurraima Durrani.

Ms. Najma Gillani.

Ayesha, Yasmin & Hurraima.

Shahnaz, Mrs. Tahira Najam & Mrs. Iffat Azwar.

Najma Gillani & mesmerised by her voice, Mrs. Nuzhat Ejaz.

A friend with Alina Durrani & Sana Burana.

Mrs. Peerzada, Mrs. Iqbal Chahaudry & Mrs. Qallab Abbas.

Mrs. Azra Akbar & Mrs. Bokhari.

The senior members.

Two stars of the evening.

Dr. Naseem Durrani.

The photo gallery.

Uzma & Ayesha.

Seniors, stepping up.


m'am Shagufta Khaksar & Najma Gillani.

Anum Mujeeb Khan & Hurraima.


The seniors.

Official photographer at work.

Girls getting ready for the cat walk.




Alina Fayyaz.

The participants.

On the stage.

Pink lady.

The graceful, Ms. Shahida Wadood.

The work of art.

One of the displays.


mena said…
Program looks nice,I missed it !
Happy holidays to all at the ladies club ladies and enjoy your time with family
Hoping to start the club in September with more exciting events !
Congrats Fariha ,shagufta baji and Tahira for organizing such a lovely evening !
K - - - - said…
Good Job Ma'am--- I hope you are enjoying the gathering
FarihaMunirShah said…
Thank u Mena & K, for ur kind words.
Anonymous said…
it is so nice to see such a nice gathering n ofcos loved the good coverage by Fariha too.
AMIR said…
FarihaMunirShah said…
Thanks Anonymous, for ur comments. & Amir, i hope, ur reference to exotic is in a good sense. Thank you. God bless u.
Hammad Siddiqui said…
Start using SlideShare for your picture and Embed it into your blogs.

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